
What is an NHVR Electronic Work Diary (EWD) and what are the benefits of using one?

NHVR electronic work diary

Posted by Hubfleet

What is an Electronic Work Diary?

An electronic work diary (or EWD) is a digital device or system used to record the work and rest periods of heavy vehicle drivers. They can be used as a substitute for manual record-keeping in a written work diary or logbook. Work diaries are required to be kept in order to comply with heavy vehicle fatigue management laws.

Electronic work diaries must be approved by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR). This means they satisfy the performance requirements outlined in the EWD Standards and must continue to do so to remain compliant.

Although EWDs are subject to the same regulatory obligations as written work diaries, they can streamline many of these requirements.

There are currently nine approved EWDs available in Australia.


How does an Electronic Work Diary work?

Drivers simply log in to the digital system and enter basic information, such as time/location, to record their shift or rest periods.

The system will calculate when drivers are due for a break or able to resume work by checking the driver’s work and rest periods against fatigue management rules. It will notify drivers when there’s a potential breach approaching.

EWD compliance is enforced during a roadside inspection the same way a written work diary is. All approved EWDs have a feature that allows them to present a read-only compliance view to an authorised officer at a roadside inspection.


What are the benefits of using an Electronic Work Diary?

  • Simplify compliance: EWDs automatically check drivers’ work and rest periods against fatigue management rules and warn of impending breaches. This makes it easy and convenient to maintain compliance and avoid the penalties of non-compliance.
  • No miscalculations: There’s no chance of miscalculations because drivers input work/rest times and the EWD will calculate their breaks automatically. If they make an error while entering their details, they can simply go back and edit the record. This minimises the risk of accidental non-compliance and ensures drivers are taking adequate breaks.
  • Save time: Electronic work diaries are far quicker and easier to fill out than written work diaries. Also, drivers can input their shift times to the nearest minute, rather than rounding to the nearest 15 minutes, which can save them up to 30-40 minutes each day. This increases productivity and helps to maximise their time on the road.
  • No paperwork: There’s no manual handling of paperwork and EWDs allow records to be shared or accessed easily (and instantly) and securely stored for as long as required.


The Hubfleet Electronic Work Diary

What separates Hubfleet from the other electronic work diaries, is that it integrates both NHVR and WA fatigue management rules. This means drivers using the Hubfleet app will remain compliant in any jurisdiction of Australia.  

In addition to Standard and Basic Fatigue Management rules, the Hubfleet EWD is also approved by the NHVR to implement custom work and rest rules of Advanced Fatigue Management (AFM) accredited customers.  

It’s also device agnostic EWD, meaning the Hubfleet app is compatible with iOS and Android, and can be downloaded to almost any device. (Devices must be less than 6 years old and have a screen size of >4.5 inches.) Unlike some of the EWDS on the market, the Hubfleet EWD is not linked to the truck, so drivers can make the same work and rest entries they would in a paper diary. It also means that they can take their diary with them on their phone, so they don’t have to be in a truck to check their recent work history. The Hubfleet app allows drivers to operate across multiple business.  

If you’re a truckie or fleet manager fed up with tedious paper diaries, consider a digital alternative. Hubfleet’s user-friendly electronic work diary makes compliance easy and convenient, to minimise stress and maximise time on the road. 

Trial Hubfleet for free for 14 days to see if its right for you.